Welcome and thank you for joining me!
Hi, everyone! My name is Elle and welcome to “A Christian Girl’s Guide”! It is still crazy to me that I as I write this, you are reading this, and you are reading my words! If I could sum up the idea for this blog into one thing it would be… Relatable.
Growing up, I always kind of went my own way and I DEFINITELY wasn’t girly. In fact, I grew up around boys and ran around with them, playing in the dirt, climbing trees, riding four-wheelers and snowmobiles, hunting and fishing, and trying my hardest to be tomboy. I’m hoping that you can relate to some of those things! While I still love all of those things, as I’ve gotten older and grown up a bit, I realized it is not a bad thing to lean into your feminine side. It is a GREAT thing, God created me to be a woman and I can still love all the crazy and more “manly” things in the world while being feminine. So, in short, I guess that is why I created this blog. To encourage other women who grew up like me to embrace their feminine side while also being a lover of the outdoors, fixing things, building stuff, and having fun. So, welcome, and I pray you can find something in this page that enlightens you, lifts you up, and fills your spirit with the knowledge that you are truly loved and understood by the most high God who created you.
Pictured below are my two dogs and I! Mesa (Greater Swiss Mountain Dog; 9 years old), and Mabel (Great Dane, 3 years old). You can find out more about them under “Jesus and Dogs”.

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